Personally, I feel as if cultural appropriation is annoying. In class we watched videos about if it is acceptable for white people to be able to use black emojis/gifs. The use of a black person as a GIF from a white person, was seen as wrong and as if they only use black culture for entertainment. I think nowadays people are very focused on cultural differences and seeking justice to repair the injustices of the past. I dont like to stress myself with unnecessary things. Im part Mexican and in my life I've heard millions of immigration jokes and stereotypes and I've learned not to take any of them seriously... I'm concerned about my identity, not my cultural identity. I dont let my culture define me. Im not going to be angry if a white person wears a sombrero or a poncho because at the end of the day, its only part of evolution. People borrowing from cultures is what we have been doing since the beginning of time and help us grow. However, with each generation after us, racism decreases, but sensitivity increases. Kids are forced to have a social identity befiore they even have one...this makes them ignorant. I've noticed that many ethnic groups stereo type white people as ignorant, uncultured, rich, racist... And i dont understand how people who are against racism are stereotyping white people. I understand people want to get justice for the past treatment of minority groups, but a 14 year old white kid was not part of any of the oppressed movements that happened in the past... it was beyond his control and I think its time for people to grow up and just mind their own business with things that concern them at the moment. How can you accuse a little kid from "stealing" from your culture, when he is just influenced by the society around us. Just accept it... don't be selfish. I don't say be blind to color/race, just accept the differences and dont try to be selfish with them. Some kids are raised with certain cultural groups different than their parents, and you telling them what they cant/can do, and what they are/arent when you dont know them is confusing and leads to complication in the world and underlying tension.
